Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dinner in the Sky

Based in Belgium, the restaurant is entirely mobile to most of Europe at a golf course, race track, castle, vineyard, historical site, anywhere there is a surface of approximately 1600 square feet (500 meters) that can be secured. Of course, authorization by the owner is required.While it may not be a mile high, it certainly could seem so when you're dining at more than 150 feet (50 meters) in midair �� suspended by a crane with nothing between you and the ground but a small platform beneath your feet, and a seatbelt to keep you strapped in.While it sounds completely batty, Dinner in the Sky is becoming the latest must-have dining experience for the Uber rich. For a mere $12,000 US and up, you can create your own grub a la high with breathtaking scenery dining at your private portable table designed to seat 22. Reviewers say forget about chatting with your neighbor the winds at 150 feet make quiet conversation near impossible, so you better be prepared to yell.

Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, cocktails in the sky, meeting in the sky the only limit to the maximum 8 hour experience is your imagination. Dinner in the Sky can include a 2nd crane with platform or more if desired for entertainment such as music to heighten your magical moments even further, or presentations like a car.
The table is about 30 by 16 feet (9 by 5 meters), weighs a whopping 11,000 pounds (5,000 kilos), and can be rotated 180 degrees.

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